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"Of the People": Reining in the Retreat from Reason in Public Affairs

The hard work of democracy requires dealing with 16 tough questions, such as: how should I explore an issue? How do I avoid the dangers of fake news? Who should I support? How can I avoid the pressure to go along with the group?

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The Trusted Leader: Building the Relationships that Make Government Work

Government only works for the American people if those who serve citizens build trust with them and in those who work in all sectors of government itself.

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Statesmanship, Character and Leadership in America

American democracy needs acts of statesmanship – leaders who look to the next generation, not just to the next election. At key turning points in our history, we have had such leaders.

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To Serve with Honor: Doing the Right Thing in Government

Acting ethically in a government job demands being able to spot ethical issues, understand the values in conflict and craft solutions that do the right thing. That often takes moral courage.

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Searching for Simplicity

Our lives are filled with complexity, but the core truths we share as humans and that enrich our humanity are simple. This collection of short essays from Think Anew! offers insights on how to lead a more fulfilling life.

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